Beyond Dieting:  Isn’t it Time to Let Ourselves Out of Food Jail, Embrace Conscious, Mindful Living, and Come to a Place of Peace With Our Bodies?

Beyond Dieting: Isn’t it Time to Let Ourselves Out of Food Jail, Embrace Conscious, Mindful Living, and Come to a Place of Peace With Our Bodies?

A note to readers:  the following is a posting I made on facebook a few days ago. It resonated with so many, and generated such intense conversation, that I wanted to bring it into an article here on the blog to share it with you.  Included are my opening comments and...

500 Recipes for McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Diet

The following is a clickable list of recipes from the McDougall Newsletters that comply with the Maximum Weight Loss (MWL) guidelines. For non MWL recipes, click here:  Recipes from the McDougall Newsletters Entrees, Sides, Beans Shepherd’s Vegetable Pie Quick Yummy...

Interview of Lani Muelrath at Engine 2 Diet

Check out Lani’s interview with Engine 2 Diet! We are excited to introduce you to Lani Muelrath, plant-strong fitness expert! Lani is the creator of The Body Transformation Formula and Fit Quickies™ 5 Minute Workouts. She has a Master’s Degree in Physical...

How to get started with a plant-based diet

You’ve read the books, you know the skinny and scoop on the benefits of a plant-based diet, and you’re totally inspired to go for it, jump your health and energy, and dump the extra weight. And now you need to know, simply, what to eat.  And more often...

Diet rules rant part 2: 3 success strategies

I promised a follow up to my Diet Rules Rant:  Part 1. For what good is a rant without some positive suggestions to counter the rant-worthy?  😉 The interview that I reported on in Part 1 was with Dr. Judith Beck, clinical Associate Professor of Psychology in...

Diet Rules Rant: Part 1

Sometimes a girl’s just gotta have a good rant. First, if any of these diet strategies (“tips” or “rules”) is working for you, then far be it for me to question. One woman’s diet rules rant is another’s bible. But let me...

Body Transformation Booty Camp Dietary Guidelines

Body Transformation Booty Camp with Lani Muelrath, M.A. For optimum weight loss and body shaping If you want to shape muscle, you will need to exercise and overload the muscle to make more of it. However, if you want the muscle to show, you need to lose body fat,  and...
Interview with a Vegan Maasai Warrior

Interview with a Vegan Maasai Warrior

The elephant orphans of Kenya again called to us, and last August we once more journeyed to Kenya to work with them, and to be with the magnificent wildlife that lives in this part of Africa. This time, another extraordinary experience was ours in meeting Jack...

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