by Lani Muelrath | Jun 21, 2019 | All Posts, Plant-Based Journey, Plant-Based Nutrition
My New Plant-Based Doctor. Plus A Nice Surprise.Yesterday, I got a new doctor. To my great good fortune, I was able to come on board with a plant-based doctor couple, Dr. Randal Sloop and Dr. Christine Sloop, in Chico, California.And to my great delight, when I walked...
by Lani Muelrath | Aug 19, 2017 | All Posts, Mindfulness, Mindset, & Motivation, Plant-Based Journey
Livekindly recently contacted me for an interview about successfully transitioning to plant-based, healthy vegan nutrition. I like the questions Emily Dreeling asked,and the way the article came together, integrating the topics of The Plant-Based Journey and The...
by Lani Muelrath | Apr 15, 2017 | All Posts, Plant-Based Journey, Reviews
Imagine my delight when the team working on John Mackey’s new book The Whole Foods Diet: The Lifesaving Plan for Health and Longevity contacted me, eager for a meeting to discuss including references to The Plant-Based Journey in the book. Here is the message I...
by Lani Muelrath | Mar 17, 2017
Bonus Gifts From Lani Muelrath Bonus #1: Free 40-page Preview of The Plant-Based Journey This is the page to sign up for your free preview of The Plant-Based Journey: A Step-by-Step Guide to Transition to a Healthy Lifestyle and Your Ideal Weight . This doctor...
by Lani Muelrath | Apr 22, 2016 | All Posts, Appearances, Plant-Based Journey
Fresh to you from its premiere at the Plant-Based Nutrition Support Group (PBNSG) presentation in Detroit, Michigan – to you! Never afraid to make a bit of a fool of myself to advance the cause! I never knew Michigan could be so much fun. I was so glad to meet...
by Lani Muelrath | Mar 3, 2016 | All Posts, Appearances, Plant-Based Journey, Video
In this twenty-eight minute video, discover a quick, crisp overview of the five universal steps of transition to a sustainable plant-based diet as presenting in The Plant-Based Journey. The Five Universal Steps of Transition to a Plant-Based DietNot a bad situation to...
by Lani Muelrath | Feb 16, 2016 | All Posts, Appearances, Media, Plant-Based Journey TV, Plant-Based Nutrition, Recipes, Reviews
This time on Plant-Based Journey TV I brought Dr. Michael Greger in with his new book How Not to Die – now five weeks on the NYT Best Seller list! Click on the video below to watch this four minute segment, in which we feature Greger’s “Daily...
by Lani Muelrath | Jan 31, 2016 | All Posts, Appearances, Media, Plant-Based Journey, Plant-Based Journey TV, Video
Habits, Sugar, and The Plant-Based Journey Program Notes In this energetically fun and informative show, I am the honored guest of the effervescent Jill McKeever of Simple Daily Recipes. Jill starts by sharing her favorite things about The Plant-Based Journey. ...
by Lani Muelrath | Jan 20, 2016 | All Posts, Plant-Based Journey, Plant-Based Nutrition, Reviews
Now Dietitian Recommended: The Plant-Based Journey Book The Plant-Based Journey has now been dietitian recommended as the definitive guide to transition to a plant-based diet Timaree Hagenburger, R.D., is another in a growing number of doctors and health...
by Lani Muelrath | Jan 18, 2016
TV and Video Spots I Five Fast Ways to Plantify Your Plate You’ll discover dozens of ideas for easy meal prep, simple recipe templates, swap-outs and more in The Plant-Based Journey. Here on PBJ TV I demonstrate several of them. View complete notes I...
by Lani Muelrath | Jan 13, 2016 | All Posts, Appearances, Media, Plant-Based Journey, Plant-Based Journey TV, Recipes, Video
In this six minute segment, filmed live during CBS TV Good Day Sacramento, find out how to make robust, savory and filling plant-based eats that will have you exclaiming “I can’t believe it’s vegan!” Double click on the video image below to...
by Lani Muelrath | Dec 14, 2015 | All Posts, Plant-Based Journey, Plant-Based Nutrition, Reviews
Now Doctor Recommended for Your Health: The Plant-Based Journey Book! We know that a plant-based diet has been increasing extolled by doctors and the medical community as the diet for optimal health: I am excited to announce that The Plant-Based Journey is now...
by Lani Muelrath | Dec 8, 2015 | All Posts, Appearances, Holidays, Media, Plant-Based Journey, Recipes, Video
This week I was back on the set at CBS TV to show multiple examples of plant-based party snacks so you can lighten up the holiday parties with plant-based hors d’oeuvres. Double click on the video to enjoy this four minute presentation including taste tests and...
by Lani Muelrath | Dec 2, 2015 | All Posts, Media, Recipes
Forks Over Knives Features The Plant-Based Journey with the Basic Veggie Burger Template Forks Over Knives, the movie, is indexed no less than four times in The Plant-Based Journey. Which makes perfect sense. As Journey is a guidebook for transition to a plant-based...
by Lani Muelrath | Dec 1, 2015 | All Posts, Plant-Based Journey, Recipes
Portobello Pot Roast Recipe from The Plant-Based Journey Portobello Pot Roast from The Plant-Based Journey has been such a runaway hit that we’ve decided to publish the entire recipe here for everyone to enjoy. Just a glimpse of all the goodies you can expect...
by Lani Muelrath | Nov 22, 2015 | All Posts, Holidays, Recipes
6 Plant-Based Pumpkin Pie Recipes Having made many a plant-based pumpkin pie in my time, at this time of year I find myself again on the lookout for a new variation on the pumpkin pie theme. Oddly enough, as a kid I couldn’t stand pumpkin pie – go figure!...
by Lani Muelrath | Nov 22, 2015 | All Posts, Holidays, Mindfulness, Mindset, & Motivation
A Plant-Based Guide to Thriving at Thanksgiving For those of us who have opted out of flesh for feasts, simply sitting down to the family gathering with a big, lifeless and featherless bird in the center of the table can present a challenge – and at the least...
by Lani Muelrath | Nov 15, 2015 | All Posts, Plant-Based Journey, Recipes
Recipe Photos from The Plant-Based Journey If I had a wish list… …for The Plant-Based Journey, it would be that she (1) go into second printing quite quickly, (2) be reviewed by a major publication such as VegNews, and (3) that she have marvelous photos of...
by Lani Muelrath | Nov 5, 2015 | All Posts, Appearances, Holidays, Media, Plant-Based Journey, Plant-Based Nutrition, Video, Weight Loss
This week I was invited back to CBS TV to share the secrets of replacing processed holiday treats with whole food plant-based foods. Double click on the video to enjoy this five minute presentation including taste tests and recipes from The Plant-Based Journey....
by Lani Muelrath | Oct 31, 2015 | All Posts, Media, Plant-Based Journey, Reviews
The Plant-Based Journey – VegNews Magazine Best Books A feature in VegNews is a dream come true for me, and marks an important rite of passage in Journey’s journey. In the November/December issue of VegNews, you’ll find The Plant-Based Journey...
by Lani Muelrath | Oct 25, 2015 | All Posts, Media, Plant-Based Journey, Weight Loss
“Hi Lani, I listened to your telecast interview with Chef Aj this morning. You sound so upbeat and happy, and not judgemental but helpful on the path that we all take once we make the decision to change our lives. Your message about the several steps would have...
by Lani Muelrath | Oct 19, 2015 | All Posts, Media, Plant-Based Journey
“The entire program was outstanding!” ~ Victor Werlhof “This was wonderful Lani.” ~ Bette Statham “I didn’t want the program to end!” ~ Mark Fontana In this thirty minute interview of yours truly and The Plant-Based...
by Lani Muelrath | Sep 26, 2015 | All Posts, Plant-Based Journey
Just before loading up to leave for the first official presentation and book signing for The Plant-Based Journey (story follows), Fed Ex delivered this to our porch. Not me silly! The beautifully framed fabric cover of The Plant-Based Journey! Did I tell you how much...
by Lani Muelrath | Sep 26, 2015 | All Posts, Mindfulness, Mindset, & Motivation, Plant-Based Journey, Plant-Based Nutrition
Information is generally a good thing, especially when it comes to something as important as paying attention to what we eat. Yet sometimes too much information can be paralyzing, getting in the way of simply making better choices. Feature in the T. Colin Campbell...
by Lani Muelrath | Sep 14, 2015 | All Posts, Media, Mindfulness, Mindset, & Motivation, Plant-Based Journey
The past week has been a dizzying blend of radio appearances, interviews, and preparing for an appearance this week on a large CBS-TV station morning show later this week – Good Day Sacramento. More about that soon. I’ve also been busy signing copies of...
by Lani Muelrath | Sep 7, 2015 | All Posts, Animals, Travel, Video
Want to see the baby elephant video first? Scroll down the page! Can You Eat Plant-Based While on Safari in Africa? A resounding yes. Deliciously. confidently. While on safari in Kenya and Tanzania these past few weeks, I posted pictures and articles about the...
by Lani Muelrath | Aug 28, 2015 | All Posts, Plant-Based Journey
The official Plant-Based Journey blog tour launches September 1! You’ll find the complete list – including links added each day when that day’s tour stop goes ‘live’ – at the end of this article. More about the tour in a minute, but...
by Lani Muelrath | Aug 12, 2015 | All Posts, Animals, Plant-Based Journey, Travel, Video
Our driver scurried us through teeming traffic in a late-night arrival at the Nairobi airport to our lodging for the first days of our stay near Nairobi National Park. As we drove past giant billboards that had been erected days earlier to welcome President Barack...
by Lani Muelrath | Aug 1, 2015 | All Posts, Weight Loss
Peggy called me for help, deeply discouraged because her weight loss efforts had stalled. She felt at a loss as to how to get moving again toward the weight loss she wanted and needed. She was also quite frustrated by the pattern she had developed of overeating in the...
by Lani Muelrath | Jul 26, 2015 | All Posts, Plant-Based Journey, Plant-Based Nutrition, Transformations
Naomi’s Plant-Based Transformation Naomi Prioleau is a busy, active reporter with the Marshall New Messenger in Marshall, Texas. She is the first to tell you that as a journalist she is on call all the time. And that her work demands lots of available energy....
by Lani Muelrath | Jul 17, 2015 | All Posts, Plant-Based Journey, Recipes
by Lani Muelrath | Jun 25, 2015 | All Posts, Plant-Based Journey, Travel, Video
If we’ve been on this journey together for any time at all, you know this about me: I travel. A lot. I figure someone’s got to demonstrate how you can eat and live plant-based – in glorious fashion – and stay active anywhere in the world. So...
by Lani Muelrath | Jun 21, 2015 | All Posts, Plant-Based Nutrition, Weight Loss
Which Plant-Based Food Plan is Right For You? Have you noticed that the more popular whole food plant-based eating becomes, the more it can seem that ‘plant-based diet’ can mean one thing to one person, another thing to someone else? It might...
by Lani Muelrath | Jun 13, 2015 | All Posts, Appearances, Plant-Based Nutrition, Video
This video recording of my presentation delivered at the World Vegetarian Festival in San Francisco – How to amp down your fat genes with plant-based nutrition and carve your figure with your fork – recently came across my radar. I...
by Lani Muelrath | Jun 12, 2015
Now already in her third fourth printing! The Plant-Based Journey The Plant-Based Journey: A Step-by-Step Guide to Transition to a Healthy Lifestyle and Your Ideal Weight has already gone to her third printing! This doctor recommended and dietitian recommended...
by Lani Muelrath | Jun 6, 2015 | All Posts, Plant-Based Journey
If I could induce labor on this one, I would. Though The Plant-Based Journey has an official due date of September 15, this mama is eager for delivery. The good news is that, with the good graces of my publisher and the fine folks at BenBella Books, we’ve...
by qualiant | May 31, 2015
Welcome to the resources page for The Plant-Based Journey: A Step-by-step Guide for Transitioning to a Healthy Lifestyle and Achieving Your Ideal Weight. To download a free 40-page preview of The Plant-Based Journey, click here. The Plant-Based Journey is Doctor...
by Lani Muelrath | Apr 8, 2015 | All Setup, Plant-Based Nutrition, Weight Loss
According to a new meta-analysis – that means a review of mountains of research studies – published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics on Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015, adopting a vegetarian diet causes weight loss, even in the absence of...
by qualiant | Apr 2, 2015
Plant-Based Nutrition The fastest, surest, tastiest pathway to radiant health, your ideal weight, resistance to disease, resilience and vitality, and looking – and feeling – younger than your years. Is There A Plant-Based Doctor Near You? A...
by Lani Muelrath | Mar 15, 2015 | Plant-Based Journey
She now has a face! The Plant-Based Journey: A Step-by-Step Guide for Transitioning to a Healthy Lifestyle and Achieving Your Ideal Weight now officially has a front cover, six months to the day from release. This week also marks the last few days that I can...
by Lani Muelrath | Feb 15, 2015 | Plant-Based Nutrition
I have heard Dr. John McDougall emphasize on several occasions that the “numbers” – cholesterol, triglycerides – don’t tell you everything. They don’t necessarily tell you exactly the condition of your arteries or your heart, for...
by Lani Muelrath | Feb 8, 2015 | Appearances, Media
One of the best ways to advance your mission to becoming the healthiest, happiest person you can be is to assemble support. Whether to get you moving your body, keep you eating better, make you more comfortable and skilled at eating whole foods plant based...
by Lani Muelrath | Jan 11, 2015 | Plant-Based Nutrition, Weight Loss
If you were to ask me the biggest challenges in writing The Plant-Based Journey, I would have to say one of them is this: Keeping up with the daily flood of information about the benefits of plant-based eating. News about easy weight management, longevity,...
by Lani Muelrath | Nov 8, 2014 | All Posts, All Setup, Plant-Based Journey
I love it when you share your ideas. You have so many good ones! Based on number of reads and your replies in comments, Five Health Tips for Plant-Based Baby Boomers has emerged here as one of the most popular articles of 2014. I invited you to share your tips to...
by Lani Muelrath | Nov 1, 2014 | Holidays, Recipes
Holy calendar whiplash. It’s November! This time of year is always a mix of good times, good eats, right along with challenges to healthy living, eating, and personal equanimity. Let me see if I can help a little bit on all fronts. Below, I’ve linked six...
by Lani Muelrath | Oct 20, 2014 | All Setup, Mindfulness, Mindset, & Motivation, Move Your Body, Plant-Based Journey, Plant-Based Nutrition, Travel
I don’t care what any one says, when you become a ‘lady or gentleman of a certain age’, something shifts. Muscle maintenance can be harder, weight gain easier, and the inclination to simply not move as much can sneak up on you. When I jumped into my...
by Lani Muelrath | Oct 2, 2014 | Plant-Based Journey, Plant-Based Nutrition, Recipes
It was my lucky day when the proposal for my new book The Plant-Based Journey landed on the editor’s desk at BenBella Publishing. From the very beginning, the team at BenBella has been enthusiastic, gracious, and collaborative in the best of ways. And now,...
by Lani Muelrath | Sep 27, 2014 | Plant-Based Nutrition
Finally – a pharmacist you can trust Like most healthcare professionals, Dustin Rudolph, PharmD, entered the field of medicine with one goal in mind—to help his patients get healthy. And like most pharmacists, Rudolph believed the best way to accomplish this...
by Lani Muelrath | Jul 8, 2014 | All Posts, Appearances, Plant-Based Journey
Everyone should have this much fun in one summer week. Just returned from the annual Vegetarian Summerfest in Johnstown, Pennsylvania where I’ve been for the last week. I had been asked to give four different presentations, including Five Minute...
by Lani Muelrath | Jun 12, 2014 | All Posts, All Setup, Move Your Body, Plant-Based Journey, Plant-Based Nutrition
How exactly is it that taking a brisk walk not only improves your mood, it also elevates your ability to make better choices when it comes to what you put on your plate? A little bit of exercise quite literally is the quickest and easiest way to get a jump on the...